Friday, June 18, 2010

Wedding Gowns going Green!

Treasured Garment Restoration's parent company, St. Croix Cleaners, is among the FIRST in the country to offer green gown preservations!  As a member of the Association of Wedding Gown Specialists, we now offer carbon-neutral ZeroCarbon (TM) Cleaning and Preservation as a part of our regular wedding gown service. Carbon-neutral means that we offset all carbon emissions from the process of cleaning and preserving the gown--including the bride's trip to and from our stores and the wedding chest's manufacture--with our donations to, the leading nonprofit carbon offset and climate solutions organization, uses our donations to plant trees around the world to enhance reforestation and help to slow the effects of global warming.

Wedding gowns preserved by us will contain a label on the wedding chest indicating our participation and donation to the program!

Visit St. Croix Cleaners' website or call one of our Certified Wedding Gown Specialists at (651) 351-1656 to learn more about our specialized preservations and to find any of our 10 convenient locations!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Odor Eaters?

The Star-Tribune called us last week to find out about some DIY home remedies for de-odorizing clothing.  Check out what our own Duane Schumann, Restoration Production Manager, had to say: Star Tribune Article.

For more tips and advice, please join us on Facebook.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments!